Boy Scouts of America
Events Calendar
Scouts BSA Troops 641 and 8641

Events Calendar for Scouts BSA Troops 641, 8641 & Venture Crew 641.


e-Court of Honor:
(due to Covid-19 health risks, the regular, in-person event will now be a virtual, online one)
November 16, 2020

Recruiting Event:
Dec. 2020 or Jan. 2021

The two Troops aim to have at least one outing a month. These include, but are not limited to: hikes, camping, bike rides, canoeing, and service projects. Outings are planned by the Scouts with guidance from the parent committee which meets once a month.


WINTER Camp (January) - Klondike
SPRING (Camporee) - Scout-skills competition based weekend campout (note: usually in the Spring)
SUMMER Camp (July or August) - varies between different Boy Scouts of America camps in Washington (and occasionally in Oregon).
SUMMER "High Adventure" (Philmont) Camp - every 2-3 years, older Scouts can participate in this.

Every quarter, there is a Court of Honor to recognize Scouts that have advanced in Scout Rank and/or earned Merit Badges. This is a fun event for parents/guardians of Scouts and the Scouts to come together as a Scouting Family and share a potluck dinner followed by an awards ceremony, and, of course, skits performed by the Scouts.

OTHER EVENTS (each year, dates vary):

Merit Badge Fairs - Scouts can participate in various Merit Badge Fairs hosted by the Lake Shores District and other neighboring districts that give Scouts the opportunity to achieve the Merit Badges they wish to complete.

Training and Scout Fairs - throughout the year, there are multiple ones in which Scouts can participate.

Fundraising Projects - Scouts plan and execute fundraising activities to help Troops 641 and 8641 and Scouts BSA.

Community Serving Projects - Scouts participate in community serving activities (e.g. food collection, trash sweep, etc.)